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Benefits of Amino Acid

1. Muscle maker. By middle age, you rapidly lose muscle mass, even if you exercise. You can counter some of this loss by taking branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)—leucine, isoleucine and valine. Of these, leucine is by far the most important for making new muscle, and a recent analysis of nine studies confirmed its muscle-enhancing effect. Leucine works for seniors, too, who might actually benefit the most. Adding vitamin D and exercising amplifies the benefits. Dose: Take a daily BCAA supplement containing approximately 2.5 grams of leucine, 1.25 grams of isoleucine and 1.25 grams of valine. Alternatively, take 3–4 grams of leucine daily. 2. Mood lifter. Amino acid L-tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) form the key building block of serotonin, the neurotransmitter that protects against anxiety and depression. Supplements have been found helpful for these disorders, as well as with insomnia. Dose: Take either 500 mg of L-tryptophan or 50 mg of 5-HTP three ti

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